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Information about working in or operating early childhood education services including outside school hours care. Plus, information for parents including how to choose a service and supporting your child for their transition to school.
Access info for students, parents and carers including: calendars, school operational status, key initiatives, visitor check-in procedures, and translated documents.
Skills NSW helps post high school students find courses in vocational training across a wide variety of industries and course providers.
The NSW Department of Education is committed to employing the best and brightest teachers who can teach and make a difference in NSW public schools.
NSW Department of Education's information on curriculum taught in NSW schools, Aboriginal education and communities & personalised support.
Learn about the NSW education department, who we are and how we operate. Explore our people, accountabilities, jobs, opportunities and much more.
Information and resources for parents, carers and their child to help navigate Vocational Education and Training (VET) in NSW.
Understanding the role of the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC) is important when deciding on potential future study and career pathways after Year 12.
Find key dates and information to apply for tertiary education including university, TAFE, VET courses and more.
Since January 2010, New South Wales students must complete Year 10. Students then have a number of options in which to participate until at least age 17.
The NSW Post-School Destinations and Experiences Survey collects information about the main destinations of recent school leavers.
Year 11 and 12 students have a lot of their plate. Sitting atop of this list is the problem of finding a job, establishing a career and figuring out what that might be.
Strategies for parents and carers to help their teens manage their emotions during times of great change like starting, changing or finishing high school.
Learn what work experience can do for your career and how to access it through NSW public schools from Year 10.
The Universities Admissions Centre's Subject Compass tool can help your child choose HSC subjects based on their talents, interests and career goals.
Take the Job Outlook career quiz to discover your work style and get a career-match based on your preferences.
From 2025, changes are being made to how the ATAR is calculated. Find out what students need to know.
Services and support for Year 12 students transitioning from school to adult life.