Tell us your creative responses to COVID-19 challenges
Schools in NSW responded to COVID-19 in innovative ways and we want to showcase great examples during Education Week.
25 June 2020

Teachers and school staff had to think quickly and creatively to overcome the challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic to maintain continuity of learning.
Whether it was how teachers at Camden High School revolutionised the delivery of content, or how Evans High School used Soundtrap to record music and collaborate with colleagues remotely, there have been countless examples of innovative practice across NSW schools over the past few months. Now it’s time to capture all that good work.
COVID-19 Education Taskforce Policy Lead Lorelei Brealey says it’s important to capture these learnings to ensure they are not lost, and to recognise the efforts of teachers.
“As part of a rapid review to capture the key learnings, the department is seeking examples of highly effective and innovative practice in schools developed in response to COVID-19,” Ms Brealey said.
Sharing these innovative practices will help foster improvement in our schools and could help shape the delivery of education well into the future.
Selected case studies will be compiled and promoted during Education Week from 3-7 August.
We are looking for stories where schools have:
- significantly improved learning outcomes by applying new teaching practices
- supported student-led initiatives which had great learning outcomes
- provided equitable access to high quality education throughout COVID-19
- supported students to thrive in different learning environments and how that has been maintained with the return to face-to-face learning
- developed partnerships between families and schools that supported improved outcomes for students.
The COVID-19 Education Taskforce has received a number of great case studies to date, but it is seeking more for possible inclusion in its Education Week showcase.
“We’re looking for learnings that might be able to be applied across the sector and we can’t wait to see what schools in NSW come up with,” Ms Brealey said.
Submit your case study of innovative practice online before submissions close on 15 July 2020.
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