Get to know the ECEC Information and Enquiries team
Learn how our enquiry officers support services and families, common queries they receive and the team’s goals for the year ahead.
21 February 2024

It’s been almost 2 years since we first spotlighted the work of our Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) Information and Enquiries (I&E) team. At the time, supporting families and services affected by flood crises across NSW and assisting with COVID-related queries were a primary focus for I&E officers.
In 2023, the I&E team responded to approximately 35,200 calls and 9,400 emails. According to I&E Coordinator Pam Gray, many of these enquiries related to updates to the National Quality Framework (NQF) and funding programs available to services and families.
Pam acknowledged that, at times, services need additional support. She explained that I&E officers are specifically trained to support the ECEC sector, and many of them have experience in working in ECEC. They are committed to assisting services by being proactive, responsive and giving the necessary information to help them navigate updates to the NQF.
“We provide services with guidance, helpful resources and web links to help them understand their obligations and legislative requirements in line with the updates,” Pam shared.
If an officer can’t resolve a call, she adds, they do their best to find someone who can. At times this involves directing people to external organisations, which may provide extra material or information.
Other enquiries the team encounters when managing the I&E phone line and inbox include queries relating to access to services and transition to school. Officers also engage with parents and carers, as well as service leaders and their staff, who wish to share suggestions, concerns and complaints with the Department of Education, as the regulatory authority for the ECEC sector in NSW.
To ensure we provide the best possible service, we monitor call wait times and seek feedback from our callers which helps us continuously improve our customer service approach. The I&E team, which has officers located across the state, has recently grown to better meet the needs of the sector. “This has significantly reduced wait times, improving the overall experience for callers,” Pam said.
“This year, our goal is to continue providing support and guidance to all of our callers so they can achieve the best outcomes for all children in their care,” Pam explained.
How to get in contact
If you have any questions about your service operation or have feedback you would like to share, please contact the I&E team on 1800 619 113 (toll free) or by emailing Visit our website for more information on when to contact us.
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