Collaborative transition to school practices delivers continuity for children
Educators at Blackfriars Children’s Centre, located on Gadigal land, are using the Transition to School Digital Statement to connect with families and position children at the centre of their new learning environment.
16 December 2022

Educational leader and early childhood teacher Alissa Haddad shared Blackfriars’ educational team focused on continuously improving their transition to school processes.
Continuity of learning is supported by the sharing of information, and the clarifying of responsibilities between service providers and families (Element 6.2.1 Transitions).
“We identify what communication is needed for families to understand the value of smooth transitions between learning environments, and we play a significant part in supporting this process.”
Alissa shared the service has used the Transition to School Digital Statement during the program trial in 2021 and again this year.
“It is now part of our documentation repertoire, built into our Curriculum Practice Guidelines,” Alissa said.
“The entire process is simple and smooth. The digital statement helps us communicate valuable insights into the child’s learning and development strengths, supports, and preferences.”
The digital statement allows information to pass between families and educators, and helps link the early years learning framework to the Early Stage 1 Syllabus.
“Our educators have had many years to build up knowledge of a child’s learning dispositions - this information is like gold for Kindergarten teachers,” Alissa said.
“And since families recognise and value that their child is being set up for success, they're very willing to engage in conversations,” Alissa shared.
“Quality learning involves real-world opportunity, exploration, and discussions. By sharing information about a child’s engagement in this learning experience, kindergarten teachers can make intentional decisions that consider their competencies and capabilities.’
The Transition to School Digital Statement is available for all Department of Education preschools, community preschools and long day care centres. Other service types will continue to use the PDF tool but will be given access to the digital statement in future years.
Professional learning, case studies, and other resources on getting the most out of the Transition to School Digital Statement are available on the Department of Education website.
The department, along with design studio Future Friendly, recently received a design honour at Australia’s annual Good Design Awards program, for the development of the Transition to School Digital Statement. Since launching the pilot program in December 2021, it has grown to nearly 25,000 statements being created, with more than 2,000 ECE providers registered with the application.
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