Disaster recovery

This page contains a selection of existing resources for early childhood education services, outside school hours care services and staff to support you, your colleagues, the children at your service and people in your community who have been impacted by disasters such as bushfires, floods and storms.

Note: resources that are bushfire specific have been marked with an asterisk (*).

NSW floods support and assistance

Many early childhood education and care services across NSW have been impacted by recent floods and storms.

Please see our NSW floods support and assistance page for important information and support available to you.

Flood support resources for services

Disaster recovery resources for you and your colleagues

Disaster recovery resources for children at your service

Disaster recovery resources for families and the community

  • The Temporary Financial Hardship Subsidy – families that are eligible for the Child Care Subsidy and meet criteria may be eligible for the Temporary Financial Hardship Subsidy

Counselling services

If at any time you are worried about your or the mental health of a loved one, call Lifeline on 13 11 14.

You can also contact:


  • Governance
  • Health related

Business Unit:

  • NSW ECEC Regulatory Authority
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