Other considerations for Deaf, deaf and hard of hearing


Some Deaf, deaf and hard of hearing students may not know how to tell an adult if there is an emergency, or what to do in an emergency or emergency drill. Work collaboratively with the individual student and their parents or carers or support team, to find out the best methods of communication and support.

Consider how you can alert a student who is Deaf, deaf and hard of hearing, in the event of an emergency. Collaborate with the student, and their parents or carers, regarding relevant signs, equipment, and strategies that can be used.

It might be helpful to spend time discussing and practising what to do if an emergency occurs within the classroom. Role plays and demonstrations may help.

Consider having a poster that shows the student the sequence of actions to undertake in the case of an emergency. Check that the student is aware of where this is, and is able to easily and frequently access this.

Social interactions

Provide plenty of opportunities for social interactions. Encourage classmates and other staff members to use some of the key communication methods used by the Deaf, deaf and hard of hearing student.

If group work is being used, small group sizes can encourage participation and help Deaf, deaf and hard of hearing students follow discussions (for example, via lip reading).


Refer to the behaviour page for more information on how to reduce  behaviours of concern by supporting the student and promoting more helpful behaviour, and our emotions page for more information about supporting a student with managing their emotions.


The School Sport Unit provides inclusive sport and physical activity opportunities and pathways for students with disability across NSW. These focus on ability, participation, enjoyment and skill development. Opportunities include gala days, Multi-Sport days, knockouts and Come-and-Try Athletics days, and are available for students with disability who learn in mainstream classrooms, support classes in mainstream schools and Schools for Specific Purposes.

Inclusive school sport programs have the potential to support a student with disability’s social, emotional, mental and physical health. Watch LexieExternal link and Anna’sExternal link stories of what sport and physical activity, both at school and in their journey through the representative school sport pathway, has meant to them. 



Consider discussing with parents or carers additional strategies for supporting the student with homework if needed.

Excursions or camps

Provide the student with information about the excursion or camp ahead of time. It might be useful to show them pictures of the destination, so they know what to expect.

Consider the excursion destination and the availability of visual information and captioned videos.


Students who are Deaf or hard of hearing may benefit from supports when moving across education settings.

Communicate with students about what will be the same so that they know  they already have some of the skills they will need. 

It may be helpful to teach and practice organisation and homework skills, and time- and self- management skills.

For more information about supporting students with disability when transitioning to a primary or high school setting access our transition page.

For students transitioning to primary school access our school story - a school day, and for students transitioning to high school access our school story - how to be organised.

Other co-occuring conditions

Students who are Deaf, deaf and hard of hearing can sometimes also experience specific learning disability, blind or low vision, or attention and communication challenges.

Refer to understanding disability page or common needs page to help support the student.