How to be organised
Secondary school often requires a higher level of organisation skills in students. This can be challenging for students who may find tasks involving executive functioning (planning, organisation and problem-solving) difficult, such as students with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism or intellectual disability).
Breaking down how to plan and organise some of the day-to-day tasks may be helpful for these students, and may also alleviate anxiety for students transitioning to secondary school.
How to use this story
As a teacher, SLSO, Aboriginal Education Officer (AEO) or Aboriginal SLSO (ASLSO) you can help students by reading through this ‘choose your own adventure’ story or providing the story to them (including to year 6 students in the lead up to transition). You could point out how the students’ school experience is different and similar to that in the story and come up with other positive ways to respond.
For example, you could talk about other ways they could make their timetable accessible, such as keeping a copy on their fridge, or adding it to the calendar on their device.

School Excellence Framework alignment
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers alignment
Standard 1: Know students and how they learn
Primary teachers, SLSOs
Stories that incorporate a social narrative can be used to teach students routines and behaviours that are expected in specific settings and situations. This story incorporates choice for students to work through strategies on organisation in preparation for high school.
November 2021. Share your feedback here