Strategic Improvement Plan development process
The process of developing your Strategic Improvement Plan (SIP) involves these key steps.
Developing your Strategic Improvement Plan
These steps outline the process to develop your Strategic Improvement Plan (SIP).
1. Consult the community around the findings of the situational analysis
- Determine through consultation:
- school vision statement
- school context
- strategic directions.
2. Develop your Strategic Improvement Plan (SIP)
Note: your Strategic Improvement Plan (SIP) will be published on your school's website.
- Write a new Strategic Improvement Plan (SIP) in SPaRO including:
- strategic directions
- purpose statements
- improvement measures
- initiatives
- success criteria
- evaluation plan.
3. Develop your implementation and progress monitoring plan
Note: this is an internal school document.
- Map improvement measures to develop annual progress measures.
- Determine for each initiative the year’s activities required to achieve the annual progress measure.
- Determine for each activity the:
- implementation team (who)
- commencement timeframe (when)
- resources required
- links to School Excellence Framework themes.
- Complete the evaluation for each activity after considering sources of evidence.
4. DEL and principal conversation and SIP approval
- Principal and Director, Educational Leadership (DEL) use the conversation guide to discuss each aspect of the Strategic Improvement Plan (SIP).
- After ongoing conversations:
- all aspects are endorsed by both the principal and the DEL
- Strategic Improvement Plan (SIP) is approved by the DEL
- Strategic Improvement Plan (SIP) is published.
Process flow chart
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