
The What works best' 2020 update highlights eight themes or effective teaching practices that, when used together in the classroom, enhance student outcomes. The practices outlined are not an exhaustive list of what works for every teacher and every student in every context. Rather, they are drawn from teaching practices grounded in a sound and consistent evidence base to increase student achievement.

What works best: 2020 update

Updates include:
  • Assessment as an eighth effective teaching strategy, recognising the importance of continually assessing where individual students are in their learning
  • feedback from ongoing surveying such as 'Tell Them From Me', and case studies from high-growth schools
  • a practical guide and reflection toolkit providing teachers with guidance on how to incorporate these themes in the classroom.

Registered professional learning

To help you connect with the research and develop a shared understanding across your colleagues, there are online, registered professional learning courses for each of the eight 'What works best' themes.

Unpacking the eight themes in videos

Wherever you are in your professional practice, we strongly encourage you to watch these videos, and reflect on the themes of 'What works best' and how they can support the learning of your students.


  • Teaching and learning
  • Teaching and learning practices
  • What works best

Business Unit:

  • Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation
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