Reach out – resources and services for teachers and students that focus on supporting positive mental health
Harmony Week – resources to support Harmony Week and addressing inclusion in the PDHPE K-10 syllabus.
A curated collection of externally developed resources that support teaching and learning in NSW. These links are to external sites – please use your professional judgement in relation to the suitability of resources for your students.
Reach out – resources and services for teachers and students that focus on supporting positive mental health
Harmony Week – resources to support Harmony Week and addressing inclusion in the PDHPE K-10 syllabus.
Water Smart Education Kit for K-6. Teaching resources to teach about water safety from Royal Lifesaving Australia
Playing for Life for K-6. PE game-based activities that help to create a safe, inclusive and challenging environment for children.
Yulunga for K-6. Traditional Indigenous Games to learn and experience aspects of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures.
Sports Ability for K-6. Inclusive activity cards for all levels of ability designed to develop children’s skills, confidence and motivation for sports-based activities.
PE warmups and games for K-6. A range of games and activities from a range of sources.
000 Hero for K-2. An interactive game that promotes safety messages and how to act in an emergency.