Choosing a structure

Key considerations to take into account when planning your teaching schedule.

Timetabling for students

Wherever possible use cut-down version of an existing timetable or schedule. Building flexibility into a structure will support students in reaching the same outcomes in ways that meet the needs and potential limitations of their learning at home.

There are many different models of delivering learning. The department is suggesting two specific models, both aligned to the NSW curriculum.

The daily model

The daily model assumes that students will complete a set amount of time on specific subjects on certain days. Flexibility can be provided by offering students cocies in the times they do their set tasks or by offering a choice of tasks to work on in the alloted time.

The 5-day cycle

The 5-day cycle uses a student centered approach that supports collaborative and independant learning. Flexibility is built in as students take ownership of their learning.

Developing skills

You may decide to start with the daily model and progress to the 5-day cycle as you and your students become more comfortable with learning at home.

Planning your schedule

Once you have provided students with a timetable or schedule for their week, you need to think about yours. You should consider when and how you will:

  • be available for students to contact
  • participate in staff meetings
  • collaborate with colleagues
  • plan.

Your timetable for students should provide your contact times and availability.

Connecting with your students

Plan how and when your students will communicate with you and their peers. Try not to let any student go unnoticed. Build in some flexibility for communications and contact to support students and families who are struggling for time and resources.

Daily check-ins

If possible, you should have daily check-ins with your students. These do not need to be live video sessions or whole class interactions. Choose the method of contact that works best for you and meets theneeds of your students.

Live lessons

Regularly scheduled live lessons can be delivered using Microsoft Teams or Zoom and you can also schedule collaborative activities. Try to vary the time and day of these to support homes that may have competition for deviecs and bandwidth, especially first thing in the morning.

Evidence of learning

Students should be submitting work or providing evidence of their learning regularly, using a consistent method of delivery. This work does not have to be marked, but you should acknowledge it and give your students feedback in a timely fashion.

Peer interactions

Peer feedback is good option to keep students engaged, and you can build in opportunities for self-reflection (exit tickets).

Allocating time for each KLA

K-6 considerations

In Kindergarten to Year 6, schools are required to have educational programs for the six key learning areas of:

Keep in mind

  • A school week is approximately 24 hours of face to face teaching and learning
  • In a school week, 50% of the week is dedicated to learning in English and mathematics (approximately 10-15 hours)
  • Each other subject has between 6-10% - approximately 1.5 hours per week
  • The remaining time includes assemblies, sport and physical activity
  • All students are expected to do 150 minutes of sport/physical activity per week

For more information, recommendations and support, visit the NESA K-6 curriculum site.

7-10 considerations

Learning programs based on New South Wales Education Standards Authority (NESA) syllabuses are to be provided for each subject or course in each year of schooling. In providing this curriculum program, schools will meet the requirements of NESA for students to gain the Record of School Achievement (RoSA).

NESA provides indicative minimum hours to support schools in timetable planning. The learning from home advice will support schools to follow the minimum hours identified by NESA and assist them in their planning.


  • Teaching and learning


  • Curriculum
  • Planning

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  • Educational Standards
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