Whalan Public School Whalan Public School uses an initiative called the Whalan 5 to centre classroom time on students’ learning experiences. This involves teachers focusing on specific learning intentions, success criteria, goalsetting and feedback, in a structured way. Teachers explicitly check that students are engaged, actively learning and able to self-assess their progress towards mastery by asking five questions: 1. What are you learning today? 2. Why are you learning this? 3. How will you know you have learnt it? 4. How can you improve? 5. How are you an expert learner? (What works best in practice CESE:2020)
- There are a range of strategies to facilitate peer and self-assessment based on learning intentions and success criteria, for example using gallery walks.
- The Digital Learning Selector is a searchable resource that includes activities and tools to support the use of peer and self-assessment, including peer feedback.
- Teachers can encourage EAL/D students to share and reflect on subject knowledge in home language or ways that are culturally appropriate. EAL/D students need opportunities to hear and practice language through controlled, guided and independent tasks. For more information about controlled, guided and independent teaching, see the ESL Steps.