Plan your outfit

Get your child to check the weather forecast for the next day. Discuss with them what clothes they may need and why.

Things you need

  • Tomorrow's weather forecast.

The challenge

Step 1

Ask them your child to check the weather forecast for the next day.

Step 2

Ask your child questions like "Is it going to be hot tomorrow, or is it cold? Is it just warm?"

Once you've spoken together, encourage your child to choose an outfit that suits the weather.

Step 3

Here are some other things you can do at home get your child thinking deeper about temperature:

  • If you are going on a holiday with your child, get them to check the weather at your destination and think about what to pack.
  • When you are baking, talk to you child about the temperature of the oven and how it changes based on what we are cooking.
  • If you have at thermometer at home, you could do an investigation to work out how hot it is in the shade compared to under the direct sun. Does the temperature change much? They could also measure the temperature inside your home compared to outside, or what the temperature is at 7am compared to noon.

The conversation

Here are some other things you can do at home get your child thinking deeper about temperature:

  • If you are going on a holiday with your child, get them to check the weather at your destination and think about what to pack.
  • When you are baking, talk to you child about the temperature of the oven and how it changes based on what we are cooking.
  • If you have at thermometer at home, you could do an investigation to work out how hot it is in the shade compared to under the direct sun. Does the temperature change much? They could also measure the temperature inside your home compared to outside, or what the temperature is at 7am compared to noon.
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