Books to build mathematical understanding in Years 3 and 4

Now that your child is developing richer mathematical skills and understanding, it’s a great time to broaden their knowledge with these enjoyable and thought-provoking books.

Three books - Salt in HIs Shoes, Last to Finish, Fantastic Elastic. Three books - Salt in HIs Shoes, Last to Finish, Fantastic Elastic.

Animals By The Numbers

Written and illustrated by Steve Jenkins.

If your child loves asking questions and has a passion for animals, then this book is a great way to explore statistics, infographics and develop other mathematical ideas about measurement and how numbers work. This book is full of fascinating facts and incredible visuals!

How Many Jelly Beans? A Giant Book Of Giant Numbers

Written by Andrea Menotti and illustrated by Yancey Labat.

This picture book investigates concepts of time and how numbers work through a delicious problem involving jelly beans! How many jelly beans are enough for Aiden and Emma, and how long will it take them to eat them all?

Place Value

Written by David A. Adler and illustrated by Edward Miller.

Your child can follow this story about monkeys making cupcakes to learn about place value, how numbers work and measurement. It also explores the differences and similarities in how numbers, letters and words work.

Uno’s Garden

Written and illustrated by Graeme Base.

Dealing with themes of environmental conservation and the protection of wildlife, Uno’s Garden comes with problems to solve and a gentle introduction into algebra. Full of beautiful illustrations and challenges to find unique creatures, this book helps build many mathematical ideas.

Really Big Numbers

Written by Richard Evan Schwartz.

Can you imagine how big a quinquatrigintillion is? This book helps us investigate our amazing number system. It also helps us understand how numbers work as it explores some small numbers and some really big numbers with bright and engaging illustrations.

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