Books to build mathematical understanding in Years 1 and 2

Now that your child is developing their mathematical skills at school, it’s a good time to help them expand their understanding of what they’re learning. These books will help broaden their minds to the possibilities!

3 books for children - Fantastic Elastic Brain, The Most Magnificent Thing and Count on Me. 3 books for children - Fantastic Elastic Brain, The Most Magnificent Thing and Count on Me.

How Big Is A Million?

Written by Anna Milbourne and illustrated by Serena Riglietti.

Your child may know that a million is big - but how big, exactly? This book can help them explore very big numbers. Pipkin the penguin’s quest to learn what this number means also introduces other large numbers, before finally reaching a million.

12 Ways To Get To 11

Written by Eve Mirriam.

Quantifying collections and learning how numbers work are important areas of learning in the early years. Read this book with your child to practice counting and play with numbers in enjoyable ways.

Great Estimations

Written and illustrated by Bruce Goldstone.

Estimation is an important mathematical skill, but looking at a collection of objects and estimating how many there are can be a tricky skill to develop. This book examines ways to enhance estimating skills and explores what big collections look like so your child can notice and think about what they see.

Sheep Won’t Sleep: Counting By 2s, 5s And 10s

Written by Judy Cox and illustrated by Nina Cuneo.

This intriguing book deals with quantifying collections by counting not just sheep, but colourful yaks and llamas too. Clarissa can’t get to sleep, and when the familiar strategy of counting sheep doesn’t work, she takes a creative approach to the problem.

How Tall, How Short, How Far Away?

Written by David A. Adler and illustrated by Nancy Tobin.

Build on your child’s knowledge of measurement with this book, which includes fun and interesting facts about its history. It also explains the development of standard units of measurement, including the metric and imperial systems.

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