Triple J Hottest 100 data

The average beats per minute (BPM) of songs featured in Triple J's Hottest 100 has declined from 128bpm to 116bpm. What are the BPM patterns you can uncover in the hottest 100?

Things you need

The challenge

Using a BPM calculator, look a little deeper at the current Triple J hottest 100 to identify patterns based on BPMs. What do these patterns tell us about music. Have a think about your favourite songs. Can you identify any patterns?

The conversation

While investigating BPM, ask your child:

  • "What do you notice across the most popular songs?"
  • "Do you think there has been a change in taste, based on your findings?"
  • "Could there be other reasons these songs are the most popular?"

The career

Seeing patterns is a useful skill across many disciplines, from economists and data analysts to marketing/sales professionals, creative artists and musicians.

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