Five games to have fun with maths in Years 7 and 8

These games will help enrich your child's reasoning and problem-solving skills as they enhance their knowledge of how numbers work, quantifying collections, patterning, algebra and probability. Help your child expand their mathematical skills using these five fun games.

Prime Climb

A colourful board game for ages 10 and up, Prime Climb combines strategy and luck as players battle to be the first to land both pawns in the 101 circle at the centre of the game board.

By rolling dice and choosing which operation you’d like to use, players can bump their opponent’s pawns off the board in this exciting race to 101!


A classic game, chess is steeped in opportunities to deepen mathematical skills and understanding. Players take turns moving one chess piece at a time until one player is able to capture their opponent's king

A great game to develop mathematical reasoning and patient problem solving, chess promotes your child’s understanding of concepts such as position, angles and probability.


Does your child like codebreaking? They may enjoy Mastermind, where they can pit themselves against an opponent and use deduction to unlock a secret code recorded in coloured pegs on a board.

Fun fact: Mind lends itself to strategy, mathematical reasoning and algebra, with mathematicians studying the game since the late 1970s to come up with elegant and efficient solutions.

Monopoly isn’t just a great family board game, it can also be a great experience to enrich an understanding of working with money. Players have to budget, invest and explore the value of acquiring assets - in a fun, risk-free way!

By applying skills and understanding in position, probability and patterning, players can give themselves a competitive edge.


Cribbage is a classic game that can lead to some amazing battles. The game is based on scoring points by collecting particular combinations of cards. Each card is given a numerical value, with the players aiming to keep the sum of the cards at 31 or lower. The first player to reach 121 points wins.

Aside from the opportunity to develop their understanding of operations and quantifying collections, Cribbage can help your teen enhance their problem-solving skills and mathematical reasoning. It also requires relatively little equipment to play - just a deck of cards and a cribbage board for keeping score, which your teen can make.


Monopoly isn’t just a great family board game, it can also be a great experience to enrich an understanding of working with money. Players have to budget, invest and explore the value of acquiring assets - in a fun, risk-free way!

By applying skills and understanding in position, probability and patterning, players can give themselves a competitive edge.

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