Books to build mathematical understanding in Years 7 and 8

These five books are a great way to show your child that our world is full of maths - and in places they might not expect.

If: A Mind-bending Way Of Looking At Big Ideas And Numbers

Written by David J. Smith and illustrated by Steve Adams.

Numbers help us describe the world around us. To do that, sometimes we need really big numbers, which may be challenging for young minds to understand. But what if your child could think about those numbers in relation to things we can readily see, feel and touch? If your child has ever wondered 'how big is that?', this incredible book is for them.

Adam Spencer's World Of Numbers

Written by Adam Spencer.

This book explains how the world around us is filled with maths. Maths plays a vital role in sports, cooking, astronomy and even moving a sofa into a house. Your child will learn about maths in everyday life through various famous faces from history - from the Wright Brothers to Jimi Hendrix.

Weird Maths: At The Edge Of Infinity And Beyond

Written by David Darling and Agnijo Banerjee.

Exploring the connection between maths and life, this book presents a collection of interesting maths facts in intriguing ways.

It tackles questions like, “How would a four-dimensional being view our world?” and also investigates game theory, Turing machines, logical paradoxes and transfinite numbers. Interesting stuff!

Mind-boggling Numbers

Written by Michael J. Rosen and illustrated by Julia Patton.

“If everyone on Earth owned exactly the same amount of land, how big would your yard be?” This book poses some curious questions and uses maths to help us answer them. This is a fun read that encourages noticing and wondering whilst also exploring aspects of measurement and numbers.

How Many Socks Make A Pair? - Surprisingly Interesting Everyday Maths

Written by Rob Eastaway.

This book uses everyday things, such as newspapers, cards, Sudoku puzzles and even socks to reveal the beauty of mathematics in the world around us. It explores mathematical ideas in practical and unique ways.

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