Study while you work
Studying or training is a great way to upskill or get ahead in your career. If your course is relevant to your job, you may be able to get help with the cost of study.
Tax deductions
You may be able to claim some of your study expenses as a tax deduction. See self-education expenses on the Australian Taxation Office website to find out more.
Paid study leave
Ask your employer if they offer paid study leave or can give you time to study during work hours. Some employers may even pay for your course fees or other study expenses.
If you're doing on-the-job training through an apprenticeship or traineeship scheme, your employer may agree to pay your wage while you get your qualification.
Australian Defence Force Academy
The Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) offers tax-free pay and allowances to eligible students who take on a career in the Australian Defence Force. ADFA also pays for undergraduate or postgraduate degrees.