Pay income tax
You need a Tax File Number (TFN) to manage your tax and super. Your TFN is a number assigned to you by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). Make sure you keep it secure.
Visit the ATO's website to find out more and apply for a TFNExternal link.
Calculate your tax
If you're earning an income, you'll probably need to pay income tax. How much you pay depends on how much you earn.
Usually, your employer deducts tax from each pay and sends it to the ATO on your behalf. This is called Pay As You Go (PAYG) withholding.
Find out more about how income tax worksExternal link and how much you'll have to pay.
Lodge your tax return
You can lodge your tax return online for free through the ATO's online services, accessed via myGovExternal link. Follow our steps for lodging your tax returnExternal link. You need to lodge your return by 31 October each year.
The ATO assesses your tax return and calculates your income tax. You will then get a 'notice of assessment'. This tells you if you will get a tax refund. Or, if you owe tax, how much more you need to pay.
Claim work-related expenses
You may be able to pay less tax for expenses that directly relate to your work, such as clothes, travel, tools and equipment. This is called a tax deduction. For anything you might want to claim as a deduction, you need to keep your receipt or other proof of purchase.
Visit the ATO website to find out what deductions you can claimExternal link.