Effective feedback provides students with relevant, explicit, ongoing, constructive and actionable information about their performance against learning outcomes from the syllabus.
The National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions support teachers to provide feedback to students on their literacy and numeracy development.
Assessment analysis available for literacy and numeracy assessments support feedback to students and parents as well as advice for teachers on next steps for learning.
The student assessment analysis provided to teachers as part of the Phonological awareness diagnostic assessment and the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check gives detailed feedback to teachers on what the student knows and can do, and also provides lesson ideas and advice on the explicit teaching that may be required to support the student’s learning.
The analysis includes an observation summary and diagnosis indicating what skills have been observed, which align with Literacy Learning Progression indicators. It also includes information about why these skills are important for reading and some teaching strategies that could be used in the classroom for targeted teaching.
The Best Start Kindergarten Assessment includes a Parent Feedback Summary, which schools can choose to share with families to provide feedback specific to this assessments and the skills observed. Resources have been created for parents, carers and families of children in the early years of school with activities to support the important learning that happens at home. They are designed for families to help young learners have a great start at school.
Narrator: Literacy. Literacy is the ability to listen, speak, read, write and spell.
Speaking and listening. Speaking and listening skills build the foundation for your child’s learning at school.
These skills help a child to be able to talk with others, create friendships, and actively participate in all activities at school.
Reading with your child. Children learn from being read to, reading with others and reading to themselves. Have fun reading together every day. Talk about stories, the language used, words in the story as well as the sounds of letters in words. Read books in your home language.
Parent: Do you know what we could make it big to if we change the Pp for the Gg.
Narrator: Drawing and writing with your child. Encourage your child to draw and write about interesting things. Make it fun, ask your child to talk about their drawings and writing. Be interested in their stories and how they have chosen to draw or write them.
Child: Turned greener and greener and greener.
Narrator: For further information, visit education.nsw.gov.au/parents-and-carers
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