Fowls – resources

Additional resources to assist with keeping fowls in schools.

Poultry Hub (Poultry CRC)

Chick embryo development

The Private Life of Chickens

NSW Department of Primary Industries: Poultry AgSkills: A practical guide to farm skills, 2008

Bolla G and Rees B (2008) Building the Poultry Penthouse, NSW Department of Primary Industries

Bannerman S, Thornthwaite S and Gant L (2001) Enterprising Agriculture, Macmillan, Australia

Nicholls C (2005) The Story of Eggs in Australia, Kondinin Group, Australia

Brasch N (2007) Keeping chickens in Australia, Penguin Books, Australia

A Teachers Resource Kit is freely available to any school in Australia (one per school) wishing to keep poultry. The kit includes books, DVDs, posters and class worksheets. Application for a kit is done online via the PoultryHub website.


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