Caged birds – food and water

Nutritional information for caged birds.


Birds must have access to adequate and appropriate water for their species, size, stage of production and weather conditions.

Clean, cool water must be available at all times. Water containers should not be located in direct sunlight or placed in positions where they are likely to become contaminated by faeces, like underneath perches. Containers should be kept clean and free of foreign matter at all times by regular washing with a low toxicity disinfectant and rinsing.

It must be noted that in hot weather conditions birds will require much more water. Birds are very susceptible to heat stress and so it is essential that they are supplied with ad-lib clean, cool water at all times, especially during high temperatures. Outdoor cages can be cooled by water sprinklers in hot conditions to ensure that birds do not suffer heat stress. Water containers should be refreshed to prevent water from heating, as this will discourage birds from drinking.


Birds must have access to adequate and appropriate feed for their species, size, stage of production and weather conditions.

Adequate food suitable for the needs of the particular species of bird should be available at all times. Containers used to supply feed should be constructed or in a position where the food is least likely to be spoiled or contaminated by faeces (not underneath perches).

A varied diet should be supplied with a base diet composed of a species-specific pellet as well as fresh fruit, vegetables and seeding grasses, as appropriate to the bird species being fed. Mixed grit and a source of calcium should be available. Feeding birds entirely on grain will not adequately meet their dietary needs. Species-specific pellets are always recommended as a base diet as this ensures birds are receiving all of their needed nutrients.

It is important to be aware of the dietary requirements of the particular species of bird that is kept and supply feed accordingly. For example some species eat grains and seeds while others eat more fruit and vegetation. When buying fresh fruit and vegetables for birds it is recommended to only buy small amounts at a time so that fruit is eaten before it spoils. Animals will always prefer fresh food. Uneaten or spoiled food should always be removed from cages.

While birds will always have a pecking order, if birds are not compatible they must be separated.

Currumbin Valley Bird Diet


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