Understanding bullying: Classroom resources

The following resources were developed as part of the Anti-bullying Strategy (2017-2020) and have been reviewed and updated as necessary to ensure relevance as part of a quality assurance process. Educators are encouraged to use the resources to build awareness of bullying.

These activities help teachers to build student connections and to develop positive classroom relationships and climate.

These activities have been developed to encourage students to explore and use the information provided in the student section of the NSW anti-bullying website.

Inclusive Practice hub resources

Some students may not know how to ask for help, particularly if they experience social or communication challenges, or they have an intellectual disability.

The following resources were developed to support students to respond to or seek help when bullying occurs. Both primary and secondary school resources are available.

The Department partnered with the NSW Association of Independent Schools, Catholic Schools NSW, eSafety Commissioner, Bullying No Way!, and the Kids Helpline in consultation with principal and parent groups to create an evidence-based resource package for students, teachers, parents and carers to identify, prevent and respond effectively to student bullying behaviours.

The Advocate for Children and Young People assisted with consultation with students. Expert academic advisors, Professor Donna Cross, Professor Rosemary Johnston, and Professor Ian Hickie reviewed and endorsed all of the materials for the website.


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