Safe bus travel to and from school
Bus travel is a great way to safely get to and from school.

Help your children travel to school safely on the bus.
Getting to the bus stop in the morning
- Supervise your child until they are at least 10 years old. Hold their hand when walking to and from the bus stop or interchange, and while crossing the road.
- When waiting for the bus, hold hands and stand a few steps back from the edge of the road.
Getting off the bus in the afternoon
- Meet your child at the bus stop or interchange after school.
- Never call your child across the road from the opposite side.
- Wait until the bus has left, then choose a safe place to cross the road.
- If you cannot meet your child, arrange for a trusted adult to take your place.
If you’re not there
Your child is most at risk during the first few minutes after getting off the bus. Prepare them for situations where:
- you are delayed and cannot meet them as usual (e.g., they should find a safe place to wait)
- they catch the wrong bus or get off at the wrong stop.
Informal school bus Stops
Informal bus stops, often found in rural areas, may not be sign-posted and can be difficult for drivers to see. For these stops:
- families should exercise extra caution
- consider staying on the bus a bit longer to reach a more visible stop, if possible.
Crossing the road after getting off the bus
Always wait until the bus has left before crossing the road. Help your child identify safe crossing places, such as:
- clear sections of road where they are visible to all traffic
- pedestrian crossings or traffic lights.
When walking with your child to and from the bus stop, remind them to:
- STOP! One step back from the curb.
- LOOK! Both ways for traffic.
- LISTEN! For the sounds of approaching vehicles.
- THINK! About whether it is safe to cross.
Other information
- Safe bus travel (PDF 1321 KB) available in 36 languages.
- Visit Safety TownExternal link - families: On and off the bus safely (Transport for NSW)
- School student travel | transportnsw.infoExternal link