Video transcript: When to start the conversation


Enrolling your child with additional learning and support needs at school.

Starting school can be an uncertain time for both you and your child.

You might be worried about your child’s learning,

speech, emotional, social, physical or behavioural abilities.

Your child may have a diagnosed disability

or additional learning and support needs

or maybe you are in the process of finding out if this is the case.

Your first step is a conversation with your local public school,

even if you are not sure if this is the school they will attend.

At the school you can discuss your child’s abilities

and the kind of support they may need.

The second step is to start the conversation early.

The ideal time to speak with your local school

is when your child is aged between 3 and 3 and a half

which is around 2 years before your child starts kindergarten,

particularly if changes to the school are needed

such as bathrooms, railings, or stairs.

If your child is starting school sooner,

it’s still important to have this conversation now.

It’s never too late to begin the process.

Above all

you know your child best.

Your voice is important.

Sharing your knowledge with your local school

will help the school develop a plan

to support your child’s learning journey

and ensure their needs are met.

We have designed an online service

to make it easier for you to know when things need to be done.

To find out when your child can start school,

enter your child’s date of birth and get a personalised timeline.

You can save this timeline to your email and set up SMS reminders.

For more advice about planning your child’s enrolment,

you can also call 131 536

to be connected to the learning and wellbeing team in your area.

Remember, your voice is important.

Start the conversation with your local school early.

New South Wales Education

Putting all students at the centre of everything we do.

(New South Wales government logo)

Watch the video: When to start the conversation

2:20 mins

Information about enrolling your child with additional learning and support needs at school.


  • Teaching and learning
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