Your child's timeline to enrolment

The ideal time to speak with your local school is 2 years before your child starts Kindergarten - but it's never too early, particularly if changes to property such as bathrooms or stairs are needed.

Enter your child’s date of birth to find out when to start the conversation and what you can do.

Enter your child's Date of Birth
Date of Birth

If your child is already 5 years old, please call your local school or 131 536External link to discuss your needs.

Please enter your child's date of birth for example 31 3 2020
We do not share these details in accordance to our privacy policy

Contact us

Look up your local school contact details or talk to your local department of Education Office.

Contact your local Department of Education Office
Phone: 131 536External link
Office Hours: 8:30 - 4:30pm

Save your personalised timeline by emailing yourself.

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