Your child's timeline to enrolment

The ideal time to speak with your local school is 2 years before your child starts Kindergarten - but it's never too early, particularly if changes to property such as bathrooms or stairs are needed.

Enter your child’s date of birth to find out when to start the conversation and what you can do.

Enter your child's Date of Birth
Date of Birth

If your child is already 5 years old, please call your local school or 131 536 to discuss your needs.

Please enter your child's date of birth for example 31 3 {{new Date().getFullYear() - 5}}
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Enrolment timeline

May {{getFragmentYear("StartYear-2")}}

Contact your local public school to discuss your child's abilities and to talk through the kind of support they may need. It's never too early to have that conversation, but based on your child's birthday, May of each year is a good guideline, particularly if your child has physical disability or if you're interested in finding an early intervention place for your child.


Your local school is where you make first contact even if:

  • Your child has more complex needs and you believe this is not the school they would be attending.
  • You're not sure where you’ll be living when your child starts school.

Local school staff will work with you to make sure your child gets the support they need in the right environment for them.

Find your local public school

Type your address and select
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Your local School


Type: {{schoolDetails.level_of_schooling}}
Year: {{schoolDetails.school_subtype}}
Size: {{schoolDetails.student_number}} students

Set a reminder to contact my local school

To organise a reminder to contact this school, selected how you would like to be reminded and we will send out an email or sms on {{reminderMonth}}.

It is time to contact your local school and start the process for enrolment now

This is the school your child will attend based on your home address and local enrolment area. Exceptions apply.

Feb - Jun {{getFragmentYear("StartYear-1")}}

After your initial conversation with the school and depending on your child's needs, your local school may contact you to set up meetings to further discuss your child's strengths, interests and needs. You can ask to have an interpreter present if that is helpful, and you can bring a friend or family member. The purpose of these meetings is so the school can:

  • Get to know you and your child

  • Gather information they need on your child's support needs

  • Explain the process and the full range of support options available to you

For the first meeting at the school, you should bring:

  • Any relevant information – medical reports, any reports provided by therapists or other agencies, organisations or health personnel 

  • Details of any resources or equipment your child uses or requires for day-to-day activities.

May - Jun {{getFragmentYear("StartYear-1")}}

The enrolment process for students with disability and additional learning and support needs is the same as for all students. When enrolling you will be asked to provide:

  • A copy of your child's birth certificate

  • Immunisation records

  • Details of any medication your child takes

  • Proof of your child's address (lease notice, rates notice, electricity bill for example)

  • Passport, travel documents, or visa if your child is not a permanentresident.

Depending on your child's needs you may also need to work with the school to start:

  • Planning for personalised learning and support that can be put in place by your child's teacher.
  • Discussing an access request application If your child has significant support needs and a confirmed disability. This application is for consideration for:  
    • Additional school funding for support in a mainstream classroom (Integration Funding Support)
    • A support class in a mainstream school or a school for specific purposes (SSP)
    • An itinerant support teacher hearing or vision.

Before and after school care

If you hope to use before and after school care, this is the time to check whether any providers service your school. Not all schools offer a service. 

You can find services used by each school using the BASC finder

Jul - Dec {{getFragmentYear("StartYear-1")}}

Most schools organise orientation and transition programs sometime in Terms 3 and 4 (July to Nov). 

Contact your school to find out their dates.


Orientation programs help you and your child get to know the school. You will find out about school routines, staff, uniforms, bell times and how to keep in touch with the teachers and the school. 

Orientation will often include tours of the school where you will find out about the office, canteen, library and classrooms. You may go to an information session for the family, meet the school staff and visit the classrooms where your child might do some activities with other children and the teachers.

Transition programs

Your child may need additional help to get ready for the transition to school. If required, your school will work with you to develop an individual transition plan for your child.

Transition programs are about much more than orientation or the first day at school. It is a process over time, beginning before your child starts school. Transition may mean that you and your child attend the school for a series of visits, to become familiar and comfortable with the school environment, and meet staff and peers.

Contact us

Look up your local school contact details or talk to your local department of Education Office.

Contact your local Department of Education Office
Phone: 131 536
Office Hours: 8:30 - 4:30pm

Save your personalised timeline by emailing yourself.

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