Making the most of Year 11 and 12

The final 2 years of school will be rewarding and challenging. You’ll find that Years 11 and 12 will fly by. So how can you get the most out of school before you hit the outside world? Here are some tips.

Making the most of year 11 and 12

The final 2 years of school will be rewarding and challenging. You’ll find that year 11 and 12 will fly by. So how to get the most out of school before you hit the outside world? Here are some tips.

Do extra-curricular activities that you enjoy

School isn’t just studying and exams. Doing activities after school that you love are just as important. Whether it’s music, sport, drama, arts and crafts, dancing, cooking, or anything else that makes you happy, put it in your daily planner and do it regularly. It will act as a reward to look forward to and help you have a rounded and balanced school life.

Look for a leadership role in your school

As a Years 11 or 12 student, you are automatically a school leader for the younger students. If you are looking for additional leadership opportunities, you could:

  • Join the student representative council, or apply to be a school, house, or class captain (depending on what your school has to offer). With the school’s permission, start a club that doesn’t exist within your school.
  • Lead a group or project that helps the local community.
  • Start a fundraising initiative for your school.

If you have ideas for new projects or groups, make sure you talk to your school and use all the support and resources that are available.

Volunteering and work experience

You probably did work experience in Year 10. But why stop with one work placement? The more work experience you do, the more you’ll be able to find out what you like and don’t like.

This time, you will have to organise work experience directly with employers, so look for organisations that provide a structured work experience program. Doing unpaid work experience gives you a great chance to make contacts and be considered for jobs once you leave school.

Volunteering is another option to consider. You may want to volunteer for a charity, community or not for profit organisation. You’ll pick up great new skills and it looks good on a CV.

Use school resources while you can

For instance, the library for research and the school’s technologies (such as computers, printers, video and audio, design and photography resources). You might want to create a portfolio of your student work to show potential employers, or you may want to use these resources to develop your skills.

Don’t forget to chat to your careers counsellor and teachers about your life after school.

Healthy self-esteem

Self-esteem can affect your motivation, mental wellbeing, and your overall quality of life. Work on developing a healthy self-esteem (neither too high or too low). Having healthy self-esteem can help motivate you to reach your goals, because you know that you are capable of accomplishing what you set your mind to. It also helps you set appropriate boundaries in relationships and maintain a healthy relationship with yourself and others. You can nurture healthy self-esteem when you:

  • avoid dwelling on negative past experiences
  • know you are equal to everyone else – no better and no worse
  • express your needs in a calm, ordered way
  • feel confident
  • choose to have a positive outlook on life
  • say no when you want to
  • see and accept your overall strengths and weaknesses.

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