Primary school enrolment
Every child is entitled to be enrolled at the government school that is designated for the intake area within which the child's home is situated and that the child is eligible to attend.
Schools can assist with enrolment inquiries throughout the year.
- All children must be in compulsory schooling by their 6th birthday.
- Children can start kindergarten at the beginning of the school year if they turn 5 on or before 31 July that year.
- Students should start school at the beginning of the school year.
- Contact your local school to discuss enrolment procedures.
Information required for all ages
New enrolments will be asked to attend an interview with the principal. This is a good time to tell the principal of any special circumstances, allergies, health or medical conditions before your child starts school. The school may complete a risk assessment.
You will also be asked to bring the following documentation with you.
- child's birth certificate or identity documents
- proof of child's address such as current council rates notice, residential lease, electricity bill. Schools that are above or near their local enrolment buffer will use the Department's 100-point residential address check.
- immunisation history statement from the Australian Immunisation RegisterExternal link (AIR)
- any family law or other relevant court orders, if applicable
- if your child has health, disability or other support needs you will need to provide copies of medical/healthcare or emergency action plan and evidence of any disability and learning and support plans
- proof of child's address such as current council rates notice, residential lease, electricity bill. Schools that are above or near their local enrolment buffer will use the Department's 100-point residential address check.
- any family law or other relevant court orders, if applicable
- passport or travel documents
- current visa and previous visas (if applicable)
- current Authority to Enrol (if required)
Children with disability or special learning needs
The department provides a range of enrolment and support options for children with disability or special learning needs. This includes additional support for children in their local school as well as specialist support classes located in some regular schools and in schools for specific purposes (SSPs or special schools).
Discuss additional support in your child's local school as well as support class and SSP placement with the principal of your local school.
For more information or to discuss assessment of your child's needs, call the educational services team on 131 536.
Changing schools
Contact the chosen new school to discuss enrolment and required paperwork or an out-of-area application.
Temporary residents
Go to the temporary residents programExternal link for further information and application forms.
Complete the application to enrol (PDF 768.4KB) for NSW public schools Kindergarten to Year 12. Schools will advise the outcome of your application.
Application forms must be completed in English. However, a translated application to enrol may help you to fill out the form in English.
To learn more about enrolment and the information required, visit general information.