Naming of NSW Government schools

Categories and steps for establishing the name or changing the name of a government school. Naming or renaming of government schools requires Ministerial approval.

Changes since previous version

2021 Jul 12 - updated contact details and new related document.

Document history

2020 Apr - updated contact details.

Superseded documents


This policy is currently under review to align it with changes in practice within the department and at the Geographic Names Board. Directors, Educational Leadership and principals requiring a new or changed school name can contact Strategic Schools Resourcing at for advice.

  1. Policy statement
    1. The choice of a name is of particular importance to schools as it will remain with the school throughout its history. A suitable name is highly desirable and great care should be exercised in selecting it. No change in a school's name should be made without serious consideration of the consequences for the history and traditions of that school.
    2. It is the policy of the NSW Department of Education to choose names for schools and for specific parts of school premises which are appropriate, acceptable to the local school community and do not duplicate past or present names.
    3. The department is also keen to protect the tradition and continuity of schools by not unnecessarily changing the names of schools when they move to new premises or are reorganised.
  2. Audience and applicability
    1. NSW Government schools
  3. Context
    1. Under Section 27(2) of the Education Act, 1990, the Minister for Education has the power to name or change the name of government schools. The Secretary has agreed to consult with the Geographical Names Board when preparing advice for the Minister.
  4. Responsibilities and delegations
    1. The Director, Public Schools NSW and operational directorate undertake community consultation on the new school's name and consult with the Geographical Names Board. The Director, Public Schools NSW prepares a Submission to the Minister on the establishment of the new school, where possible including the recommended name for consideration and approval. Guidelines, procedures and templates are available in the Naming of Government Schools Procedures.
    2. The department is also keen to protect the tradition and continuity of schools by not unnecessarily changing the names of schools when they move to new premises or are reorganised.
    3. Principals are responsible for ensuring that proposed names or name changes are approved by the Minister prior to implementation.
    4. Director, Public Schools NSW, the Director of Facilities Management and Advisory Services and the Manager of the Statistics Unit are responsible for ensuring that once ministerial approval is received:
      1. the school, Director and Executive Director, Public Schools NSW are informed
      2. the school name is published in the Education Gazette and the NSW Government Gazette
      3. corporate reference data in ERN/SRD and in AS400/iSeries are updated with the new name so that the school appears correctly in the department internet and intranet.
  5. Monitoring, evaluation and reporting requirements
    1. The new school will appear on the School Locator on the NSW Government Schools website when all contact details for the new school have been finalised.
  6. Contact
    Strategic Schools Resourcing
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