Library procedures

Direction and guidance to help schools comply with the department’s Library policy.


Principals, teacher librarians, teachers and school administrative staff.

Version Date Description of changes Approved by
V01.0.0 19/06/2024 Under the 2023 Policy and procedure review program, new policy document which consolidates information from the current policy, the School library handbook and the Finance in schools handbook. Executive Director, Teaching Quality and Impact

About the policy

These procedures relate to the Library policy.

Term Definition

Teacher Librarian

A specialist teacher who is currently studying or has completed an approved postgraduate course in teacher librarianship.

Teaching materials

Materials that are used when teaching, including the library collection and other items such as textbooks and novels.


The Oliver School Library Management System (Oliver) is the universal management system used in all NSW Department of Education public schools.

School Library Fund

Allows people to make a tax-deductible donation to school libraries. An application for a School Library Fund must be approved by the department’s taxation unit and the Australian Tax Office. For more information, refer to Deductible Gift Recipient status for schools.


  • decide the school library’s priorities
  • allocate adequate support to enable teacher librarians to fulfill their teaching and library management responsibilities
  • determine the school library budget
  • monitor the school library operation to make sure it complies with policy and meets its objectives within budget.

Teacher librarians:

  • provide advice, recommendations and report to principals on planning, budgeting and resourcing to support the school library
  • collaborate with teachers to design, plan, deliver and evaluate teaching and learning programs
  • develop and manage the school library collection
  • manage the facilities to provide spaces for learning, research and reading.

School administrative managers:

  • undertake school library financial administration
  • timetable and supervise School Administrative Officers – Library in consultation with the principal and teacher librarian.

School Administrative Officers – Library:

  • undertake school library duties under the day-to-day direction of the teacher librarian.

What needs to be done

These procedures apply to teaching materials purchased specifically for the library collection under the management of the teacher librarian. Other teaching materials, including textbooks, can be recorded in the School Resources branch of the Oliver Library Management System.

1. Develop a library program

In consultation with the principal, the teacher librarian is responsible for developing a library program that enables learning across the curriculum and contributes to whole school priorities.

The teacher librarian is responsible for evaluating and reporting on library programs to the principal or their delegate.

In collaboration with teachers, the teacher librarian participates in the school’s teaching and learning processes by:

  • designing and implementing programs, independently and in collaboration with teachers, to deliver learning across the curriculum and support school programs and priorities
  • planning, implementing and evaluating programs that focus on information and research needs aligned to relevant subject areas
  • leading and participating in teaching and learning initiatives by contributing their knowledge of curriculum, information sources, library navigation aids and teaching strategies
  • developing students’ critical thinking skills, so they can apply reasoning to research and make informed decisions about the ethical use of information
  • supporting the development of all forms of literacy for every learner
  • providing opportunities for every learner to understand and respond to literature, including encouraging reading for pleasure
  • providing specialist advice at a whole-school level on selecting and using suitable materials to resource a rich and inclusive curriculum.

2. Ensure the library is adequately staffed

Principals are responsible for making sure the school library is staffed adequately to meet its objectives and perform its role.

Refer to the A-Z of industrial relations topics for Teacher librarians.

3. Plan and allocate the school library budget

In consultation with the teacher librarian, principals are responsible for:

  • planning the best use of the school library to support the school’s Strategic Improvement Plan
  • allocating school library budget accordingly.

Teacher librarians are responsible for contributing to planning and budget allocation by reporting on library collection use, value of materials and loss.

For more information on budgeting see Planning, budgeting and forecasting.

4. Manage the collection

Teacher librarians are responsible for planning, reviewing and maintaining the library collection to make sure it:

  • is current
  • engages and meets the needs of every learner
  • resources the school’s teaching and learning programs and other priority areas
  • appropriately reflects the diversity of the community, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

This includes:

  • keeping up to date with, and providing information and recommendations on, recently published materials and curriculum support materials
  • choosing library materials in consultation with principals, teachers and students
  • purchasing resources that reflect the diversity of the school and broader community, and are suitable for the library collection
  • regularly reviewing the value and usage of library subscriptions
  • reviewing and removing materials from the library collection to ensure it is culturally safe and does not contain damaged or out-of-date materials
  • reporting to the principal on loss and the currency and effectiveness of the collection.

5. Prevent loss and damage

Principals are responsible for minimising loss and damage to the school library collection. This includes:

  • monitoring loss and damage
  • deciding if and how to recover material replacement costs from staff and students
  • putting mitigation actions in place if loss exceeds 4% of the value of a section of the library. Mitigation may include putting in place security measures. These must be compatible with Oliver and comply with procurement requirements.

6. Undertake a stocktake

A stocktake can be progressively undertaken over a number of years.

Teacher librarians:

  • prepare the stocktake reports for the principal’s sign-off
  • must keep stocktake records for seven years in accordance with the Records management procedures.

7. Manage the circulation process

Teacher librarians are responsible for managing the library’s online and physical circulation process.

This includes:

  • making sure all materials are entered into Oliver and barcoded
  • using Oliver to manage circulation and track overdue items
  • recording and managing loans by external borrowers in Oliver.

8. Use the department’s school library management system

School library collections are managed using the department’s school library management system, Oliver.

Teacher librarians are responsible for operating Oliver at a school level. This includes:

  • reviewing and updating data regularly
  • managing the subscriptions that are accessed directly via Oliver (e-books, research databases, library guides)
  • managing access to Oliver to make sure personal information of borrowers is kept secure
  • completing stocktaking within Oliver
  • providing advice and instruction to relevant staff
  • organising department training for library assistants.

The department mandates the use of the Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS) to make sure cataloguing is accurate, up-to-date and consistent with Australian cataloguing standards.

Schools are automatically charged for their SCIS subscriptions.

For more information on SCIS see Schools Catalogue Information Service.

9. Protect copyright

Teacher librarians are responsible for protecting the copyright of the materials held in the library collection. This includes:

  • providing advice and information to staff on copyright legislation, compliance and risk
  • ensuring library teaching programs reflect the ethical concept of copyright
  • For information on how to ensure compliance with copyright requirements see the National Copyright Unit’s website, SmartcopyingExternal link.

10. Manage the use of the library

Teacher librarians are responsible for planning, managing and facilitating the use of the library space so that it:

  • can be used for teaching and learning and student recreation (for example, recreational reading)
  • is safe, inclusive, engaging and encourages independent reading and learning.

11. Ensure library finances (including School Library Funds) are compliant with policy

School Administrative Managers are responsible for undertaking school library financial administration in compliance with financial management procedures.

Wherever possible, payments should be transacted using the standard school financial procedures.

If it is a requirement that the school library takes cash payments (for example, for photocopying), the teacher librarian and the school administration manager are responsible for developing a process compliant with finance policy and procedures.

Principals can establish and administer a School Library Fund. Principals are responsible for making sure their School library fund is compliant with the Deductible Gift Recipient donations section of the Financial management (schools) procedures.

For more information on School Library Funds see Deductible Gift Recipient status for schools.

Mandatory tools and templates

Supporting tools, resources and related information

Policy contact

Library Coordinator, Teaching Quality and Impact
02 7814 2568External link

The Executive Director, Teaching Quality and Impact monitors the implementation of this policy, regularly reviews its contents to ensure relevance and accuracy, and updates it as needed.

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