Students to help shape future of education
NSW public school students have a unique opportunity to have their say on the future of education with the formation of the Minister’s Student Council.
03 September 2020
The Minister for Education and Early Childhood Learning, Sarah Mitchell, last month announced the formation of the student council to give students a direct influence on education and school policy.
The student council will be the peak forum for interaction between NSW public school students, the Department of Education and the NSW Government.
The council will be created from the ground up by students.
The first student involvement in the council will be a steering committee tasked with designing the council, its elections and governance, and how it will engage students from all backgrounds right across the state.
Secondary school students can apply now for selection to the steering committee. Applications close on 25 September 2020.
The first Minister’s Student Council will begin in 2021.
A new online Student voices hub was also launched last month, giving all NSW students a platform to share their views and creativity with the wider community.
Learn more about the student steering committee and the Minister’s Student Council.
- Announcements