Schools get on board kind July

Kindness is the name of the game in NSW this month thanks to Stay Kind’s #kindjuly campaign, and NSW public schools are taking on the challenge.

Minister for Education Sarah Mitchell and Stay Kind CEO Ralph Kelly today announced the #kindjuly campaign will be promoted in NSW public schools.

Stay Kind was founded by Ralph Kelly following the death of his two sons Thomas and Stuart and promotes harm reduction through kindness. The campaign encourages the community to demonstrate acts of kindness throughout the month of July.

Ms Mitchell said she wants to see NSW schools embracing the #staykind July campaign, encouraging simple acts of kindness in all aspects of life.

“Stay Kind and their #kindjuly campaign have a simple but powerful message, be kind to each other – it is something all our schools promote every day,” Ms Mitchell said.

“This campaign provides an opportunity to reflect and promote the power of kindness, to not take those simple acts for granted and to look out for each other.”

Schools will be taking part through a range of challenges, events and online sessions with ambassadors like Australian of the Year Grace Tame, maths wizz Eddie Woo and Australian pop singer Dami Im.

Mr Kelly said he is excited to see #kindjuly promoted in schools to help change young people’s lives.

“This campaign aims to promote kindness in our communities to reduce bullying, hazing, violence, self-harm and suicide that is happening among our young Australians and the wider community,” Mr Kelly said.

“To assist schools with inspiring ideas for simple daily acts of kindness, we are providing Kind July calendars. Schools can also opt into a series of free live online events with our ambassadors throughout the month.

“While this is a new initiative for schools to become involved in, we do see this as an opportunity for schools to blend the initiative into existing activities. I hope that schools see how beneficial this is for all students and the wider community. The awareness, the simplicity and the power of kindness is what Australia needs right now, more than ever.”

Schools have received campaign information via the SchoolBiz portal, and the campaign is open to any person or organisation. More information is available at www.staykind.orgExternal link

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