Online sessions to promote early education sector
ECE Connect Online returns with a series of 13 sessions launching Monday 20 November.
20 November 2023

The NSW Department of Education’s ECE Connect Online returns this month, with informative sessions to support and promote the early education and care sector.
More than 6000 participants from across the state have already signed up to attend the free webinars, which will include a series of 13 sessions launching Monday 20 November.
The return of the online series aims to continue the conversation on improving quality early learning following a successful On the Road tour earlier this year.
The Department travelled to 10 locations across NSW and met with more than 500 educators and service providers to listen to their experiences, feedback, and ideas.
Attendees were able to discuss topics including 100 public preschools, workforce and health and development, as well as hear about Department-led programs, initiatives and regulatory updates.
Acting Deputy Secretary of Early Childhood Outcomes, Mark Barraket, said the opportunity to openly consult and collaborate with the sector was invaluable.
“ECE Connect allows us to reach early childhood education and care professionals from metro, regional and rural areas and gives them the opportunity to engage in meaningful dialogue about the sector that they would otherwise not have,” he said.
“The success of our face-to-face sessions in Blacktown, Dubbo, Bourke, Moree, Tamworth, Port Macquarie, Lismore, Nowra, Cessnock and Fairfield reaffirms our commitment to engage with and support the sector.
“Attendees who were surveyed about the event found the sessions helpful and informative, and embraced the opportunity to engage with the Department and fellow colleagues in the local sector.
“This shows it is crucial that we create a platform where professionals can come together, share insights and discuss ways to enhance the quality of education for our youngest learners.”
Representatives from within the Department’s early childhood education and care directorate, along with expert speakers, will share insights and information on health and development checks, exploring risk, Start Strong and emergency management.
The first webinar will focus on new regulatory changes, including safe sleep practices, approval processes and safe arrival of children, as well as provide guidance on how to implement the changes.
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