Mighty minds muster for the Battle of the Brains
Students from western Lake Macquarie have engaged in the inaugural ‘Battle of the Brains’ to test their skills, ingenuity and teamwork. Sven Wright reports.
29 October 2024

Students from across western Lake Macquarie nurtured their neurons and synched their synapses in preparation for the inaugural Battle of the Brains.
Platoons of eight students from 16 schools gathered at the intellectual battlefield that is Coal Point Public School for two days of academic combat in English, maths, science, geography, Creative and Performing Arts and general knowledge.
Principal Melissa Trigg said it was thrilling to witness such skilled conflict.
“We’re delighted so many students were able to get together to join in a program which supports the schools’ High Potential and Gifted Education programs in such a fun environment,” Melissa said.
“The students took part in a range of tasks across all the subject areas, with points awarded, winners announced for each category, and a trophy for the overall winning team.
“I’d like to thank the teachers from across the area who have helped prepare the students, and those who helped out at Coal Point over the two days.”
The public schools with troops on the ground were Arcadia Vale, Argenton, Fennell Bay, Toronto, Rathmines, Awaba, Fassifern, Boolaroo, Glendale East, Bonnells Bay, Speers Point, Biraban, Wangi Wangi, Blackalls Park, Coal Point, and Booragul.
Hostilities took place over two days from October 24 to 25, with the first charge at 9am before a truce at 3.30pm each day.
The victors in Day 1's opening skirmish were students in the small schools’ team from Awaba, Fassifern and Boolaroo.
The Coal Point Public School team made the most of their home-battlefield advantage to emerge as overall victors on Day 2, with the warriors of Biraban Public School and Glendale East Public School second and third, respectively
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