Game Changer Challenge 2.0 open for entries
Our design-thinking challenge is open again for applications from students and teachers across NSW.
22 June 2020

The great challenges of the future will be solved by today's students. To flourish in this world, they will need to be deep thinkers, critical and reflective, empathetic and creative.
Game Changer is a design thinking challenge that develops these future-focused skills. It is a valuable learning opportunity providing direct access to leading industry thinkers, innovators and mentors ... and it’s a whole lot of fun!
This year’s program was scheduled to be the biggest year yet with the introduction of statewide heats but as with everything else, the program hit an obstacle with the arrival of the pandemic. However, staying true to the design thinking ethos Game Changer Challenge 2.0 has been created for 2020.
There will be more teams competing with seven semifinals in five regional areas and two metro areas between 26 October and 13 November. The semifinal winners will be in the running to win the coveted title of Game Changer Champions 2020, announced early December.
Not only will students walk away with lifelong skills they will develop and build over time, teachers will gain invaluable insights and confidence to apply design thinking in the classroom.
Game Changer Challenge is open to all NSW public schools. Applications close Wednesday 19 August.
Visit Game Changer Challenge to learn more.
- Announcements