Other considerations for thinking and cognition

Safety drills

Some students may not know how to tell an adult if there is an emergency, or what to do in an emergency or emergency drill. Make time for supporting students with emergency and drill situations. For example, provide clear demonstrations of what to do in a drill and provide students time to practice this. 


Work out what a student is able to do without help when assigning homework. Make adjustments to homework tasks where required. Alternatively, consider not giving homework to the class to give the student some time away from books.


A student with cognitive challenges may find moving from primary school to high school challenging.

One way to support them with the transition is by helping them with organisation and homework skills, and time- and self- management skills. Give them lots of opportunities to practise these skills.

For more information about supporting students with disability when transitioning to a primary or high school setting access our transition page.

For students transitioning to primary school access our school story - a school day and for students transitioning to high school access our school story - how to be organised.

Other co-occuring conditions

Students with cognitive challenges may also be on the autism spectrum or experience anxiety, intellectual disability, or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

Refer to understanding disability page to help support the student.