Other considerations for planning and organisation


When setting homework consider what types of activities they could complete within a set time or to a set standard, and consider teaching students how to use a homework planner.

Consider asking families to use a consistent homework routine at home. This may be doing homework in a distraction-free area at a fixed time. They can also check that tasks in the planner are finished and provide encouragement. Access our homework organisation support page.

Classroom transitions

The time between ending a lesson (for example, putting away a book)  and starting a new lesson (for example, listening to teacher instruction, carrying out the task, and waiting for start of lesson) may be challenging for some students.


A student with planning and organisation challenges may benefit from supports when moving across education settings. It may be helpful to teach and practise organisation and homework skills, and time and self-management skills.

For more information about supporting students with disability when transitioning to a primary or high school setting access our transition page.

For students transitioning to primary school access our school story - a school day and for students transitioning to high school access our school story - how to be organised.

Other co-occuring conditions

Students may also have challenges with, emotions, learning and memory, and thinking/cognition, or experience attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, specific learning disability, intellectual disability or oppositional defiant disorder. 

Refer to understanding disability page to help support the student.