Best practice tips for intellectual disability

Best practice tips are strategies that have been evaluated in other settings, target a relevant factor (such as a teaching style that lowers student anxiety), or is considered best practice by experts in the field.

Provide a supportive environment

Students might lack confidence and may worry that they will not be able to keep up with other students. Provide effective feedback and encourage participation.

Reduce background noise when giving instructions

Avoid background noise and distractions while giving instructions to help all students hear and focus on you. You might need to face the students away from distractions behind you.

Simplify instructions

Some students might need simple instructions which may need to be repeated lots of times. Use simple words and repeat. Learning a skill might require teachers, School Learning Support Officers (SLSOs), Aboriginal SLSOs or Aboriginal Education Officers (AEOs) to break it down into smaller parts at first.

Collaborate with parents or carers

Work in partnership with parents or carers to find out the best way to communicate and work with the student. Parents or carers can help you understand a student’s unique strengths and areas they need more help.  You could ask parents and carers to complete our strengths and abilities communication checklist to find out more information about their student.