Effective transition planning and support

Have high expectations

Having high expectations of a student’s potential for employment has been linked to better employment outcomes. 

Recognising a student’s strengths and abilities, and holding high expectations, avoids limiting a student’s post-school options unnecessarily when goals are developed. 

It can also be helpful to recognise that what may be considered a ‘challenge’ in one setting, can in fact be a ‘strength’ in an alternative setting. A student can excel when they are able to work in an area that draws from their strengths and personal interests. 

It is important to emphasise that all jobs and workplaces have both positives and challenges, and experiencing boredom, frustration or difficulty in a job does not automatically mean that the job is not a good fit.

Visit facilities or employers

It may be helpful for students and their families to visit training or education facilities (such as University or TAFE) or prospective employers to seek further information to find the best fit for a student’s preferences and strengths. 

For example, courses, training, or workplaces within smaller settings may be preferred by some students who find large groups or noisy environments overwhelming. 

In contrast, other students may prefer large settings where they have access to a wide range of experiences and people, and a diverse curriculum that provides more opportunities to pursue a personal interest.

All students should engage in workplace learning activities. Workplace learning in the form of work experience provides students with the opportunity to see what a workplace is like, and gain a stronger understanding of careers and the work involved in a chosen career path.

Making decisions

There are a range of considerations that a student and their family may wish to explore when making decisions on post-school education, training or employment. Encourage students and their families to discuss these considerations and explore options early.

Access some options for post-school education, training and employment.

Our strengths and abilities communication checklist covers a range of strengths and preferences that are relevant to making decisions.


Another consideration when planning post-school life is accommodation. 

Some students may stay in the family home where they can continue to receive family support, particularly in early stages when they are navigating many changes. 

Others may benefit from living with others where they can build friendships and develop important social skills.

Consider career counselling assessments

If using standardised tests or questionnaires to help students identify career options or interests, consider whether these need to be tailored to a student’s unique abilities and communication style, or whether other less formal approaches may be more appropriate.

The My Future website may be a helpful resource.