What will change at            secondary school

In this resource, Josh (a 13 year old high school student) talks about some of the changes and similarities between primary school and high school, using positive and reassuring language throughout. 

Research has found that highlighting similarities between primary school and high school can reduce student anxiety during the transition. It can help students feel confident they already have some of the skills they will need when they begin high school. 

As a teacher, School Learning Support Officer (SLSO), Aboriginal Education Officer (AEO) or Aboriginal SLSO (ASLSO) you can assist students by providing the animation and handout to them, or watching it together as a class. 

You could point out how the students’ school experience is or will be different and similar to that of Josh’s experience, and talk through some of the skills they already have that will be helpful to them. 

School Excellence Framework alignment


Australian Professional Standards for Teachers alignment

Standard 1: Know students and how they learn


Primary and Secondary teachers


This video is designed to help reduce student anxiety around the transition from primary to secondary school. The video aims to build student confidence in their ability to navigate the transition to high school.


November 2021. Share your feedback hereExternal link

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