Next steps

Our Plan for NSW Public Education (2024 – 2027) sets our direction and priorities for the coming years.

Achieving our vision for public education

For everyone working in the Department of Education, regardless of whether you are in schools or within our education support office, this is our collective plan to deliver an exceptional public education system.

Our schools are bringing the plan to life by implementing it in ways that are meaningful and relevant in each unique school context.

Our education support teams are prioritising programs and initiatives that will deliver the greatest benefits for students, teachers, staff and schools.

Our education partners are engaged in ongoing dialogue and feedback on the work we are doing to deliver the Plan.

Together, we will use the Plan for NSW Public Education as a blueprint to build an equitable and outstanding education system in NSW.

Keep informed

We are dedicated to bringing our Plan for NSW Public Education to life to transform lives through learning.

There are many activities underway across the department and within schools to deliver our ambitious 4-year goals. We will release key programs of work and initiatives throughout the year, so stay tuned to our social media and our News Hub.

We will share progress updates twice a year with transparent information on how we are tracking against our success measures, summarising what has been delivered and showcasing the positive impact we’ve had on students, staff and schools.

Look for in-depth insights in the department’s annual report which will be released in Term 4.

The plan is a living document that will evolve as we roll it out. Your input is welcomed to ensure the plan, and the delivery of it, address the needs of all interested parties. Please share your feedback and questions via this short survey.


  • Education support operations


  • Performance
  • Planning
  • Reporting
  • Strategy

Business Unit:

  • Education and Skills Reform
  • Reform and External Relations
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