Delivering our plan

Our Plan for NSW Public Education (2024–2027) sets our direction and priorities for the coming years.

We are committed to providing progress updates twice a year. We invite you to download our latest report card to learn more about how we are bringing our plan to life.

Achieving our vision for public education

We are working together to achieve our vision of transforming lives through learning.

Our schools are bringing the plan to life by implementing it in ways that are meaningful and relevant in each unique school context.

Our education support teams are prioritising programs and initiatives that will deliver the greatest benefits for students, teachers, staff and schools.

Our education partners are engaged in ongoing dialogue and feedback on the work we are doing to deliver the plan.

Together, we will use Our Plan for NSW Public Education as a blueprint to build an equitable and outstanding education system in NSW.

Driving system success

Our Plan for NSW Public Education sets ambitious goals for our education system. To ensure we reach these goals, we are developing system success measures.

Throughout Term 3, we will continue to engage with our partners to incorporate their feedback and refine these measures.

Our system success measures represent our collective work – they are not the individual responsibility of schools to deliver.

Keep informed

We will share progress updates with transparent information on the activities underway to deliver our plan.

Term 3: Report card - Semester 1 2024
Term 4: 2023/2024 Department of Education Annual Report
Term 1 2025: Report card - Semester 2 2024

Your input is welcomed. If you have feedback on our plan or questions, please complete this short survey.


  • Education support operations


  • Performance
  • Planning
  • Reporting
  • Strategy

Business Unit:

  • Education and Skills Reform
  • Reform and External Relations
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