Our 9 goals to 2030 and 27 actions for 2023

We have mapped a set of initial actions to help reach towards our goals.

Goal 1. Sustainability is embedded into school practices

Action 1a. Create a handbook to share successes and lessons learned.

Action 1b. Develop an engagement program and a dashboard for students and staff to learn about their school’s impact.

Action 1c. Fund hands-on projects through the Sustainable Schools Grants program.

Goal 2. Every school is a verified healthy and inclusive learning environment

Action 2a. Embed a Government Architect NSW Connecting with Country framework across school planning and design.

Action 2b. Align design and performance standards with the latest advancements in health and inclusion.

Action 2c. Research verification approaches for health and inclusive learning environments.

Goal 3. Every school is an asset for its community, all year round

Action 3a. Measure the social impact and economic value from shared use of schools.

Goal 4. We eliminate resource waste

Action 4a. Deliver funded efficiency (energy, water and waste) programs.

Action 4b. Shift to more proactive maintenance programs.

Action 4c. Explore resource efficiency opportunities across our assets.

Action 4d. Research our role in the circular economy.

Goal 5. We are net zero emissions in operation

Action 5a. Develop a roadmap towards net zero emissions in operations by 2030.

Action 5b. Deliver funded renewable energy pilot and projects.

Action 5c. Align design and performance standards for new schools to this goal.

Goal 6. We have a robust plan for adaptation

Action 6a. Define our approach to resilience and integrate it into our decision-making and operations.

Action 6b. Develop initial action plan for responding to climate change risks.

Action 6c. Deliver our commitments under the Greening our Cities Secretaries’ Pledge.

Goal 7. We demonstrate leadership by investing in innovation

Action 7a. Establish a sustainability innovation fund for real-life demonstration projects.

Action 7b. Contribute to cross-government sustainability strategies, policy reforms and programs.

Goal 8. Department staff confidently contribute to our sustainability priorities

Action 8a. Develop and deliver collaboration and learning opportunities.

Action 8b. Celebrate successes and recognise contributions.

Action 8c. Align procurement policies and practices with our sustainability priorities.

Goal 9. We measure our social and environmental impact

Action 9a. Develop metrics measurements methods and baseline our performance.

Action 9b. Establish an approach for measuring social impact.

Action 9c. Mandate all new schools and upgraded buildings schools (≥$10m) are in the top two bands in industry sustainability ratings, where possible.

Action 9d. Collect social and environmental impacts from suppliers and contractors.

Action 9e. Assess our performance through regular and transparent reporting.


  • DoE
  • Facilities, assets and equipment


  • Reporting
  • Strategy

Business Unit:

  • School Infrastructure NSW
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