Screen-Related Addiction Research Fund

Update - July 2024

There has been much recent political and media discussion about screen and social media use by school-aged children and young people and changes in the related policy environment.

In this context, the department has been asked to revise the Screen Fund’s statements of opportunity and research questions so that they align more closely with this new policy environment.

As a result, a decision has been made not to fund any of the applications we received in the current round and a new round will be undertaken.

Research organisations will be notified about the opening of a new round in due course. The Screen Fund website will be updated when the new round opens.

The Screen-Related Addiction Research Fund (‘Screen Fund’) aims to support critical research exploring the impacts of problematic screen use on young peoples’ development and learning. The department is seeking research that aligns with its strategic goals and research priorities, and which supports an equitable and outstanding education system.

Research proposals are sought from researchers at Australian public universities and research organisations.

Applications will be competitively assessed against our selection criteria. We will look favourably upon proposals that incorporate one or more of the following elements in their research design:

  • propose a worthwhile contribution to the screen use evidence through novel research
  • foster innovation by addressing a known problem
  • through research, develop and trial new ideas or practices to assist teachers, parents/carers or priority populations
  • foreground student voice.

Comprehensive information is included in the Guidelines.

Statements of Opportunity

Research project proposals must address a themed Statement of Opportunity:

  1. Research that explores the evolving links between screen use, wellbeing and learning.
  2. Research that investigates the impacts of screen use on teaching, and the influence of teaching on screen use.
  3. Research that explores how schools and school communities might use initiatives and interventions to support appropriate screen use and reduce problematic screen use.
  4. Research that can help us define, measure and improve screen use and screen time in education contexts.
  5. Other screen use research that strengthens trust and respect for the teaching profession and school support staff, and/or advances equitable outcomes, opportunities and experiences.

More information.

Eligible organisations

The department is seeking research project proposals from:

  • Australian public universities
  • selected research institutions
  • selected non-government organisations.

Partnerships between organisations are welcome.

Grant descriptions

Researchers and research organisations are invited to apply for the following grant opportunities:

Leveraging: Extending national research grants

Through Leveraging grants, the department will partner with grant-funded researchers who are presently investigating screen-related topics with relevance to education and/or child development. The department will co-contribute funding to increase the applicability of project outcomes/outputs to the Screen Fund context.

Successful projects will be eligible for up to 20% of their total funding, or $200,000 (whichever is lower) for up to 2 years.

Priority: Screen Fund Priority Projects

Through Priority grants, the department will fund novel, multi-disciplinary research projects that align with our screen use research priorities. Successful projects will support the translation of research into policy improvements and new policy initiatives.

Successful projects will be eligible for up to $500,000 for up to 2 years.

Scholarships: Screen Fund Scholarships

The department will provide Australian public universities with the opportunity to award Screen Fund Scholarships of up to $10,000 to PhD candidates undertaking research in screen-related topics.

Screen Fund Scholarships will be administered by universities in the form of a top-up to Commonwealth Research Training (RTP) stipends.

Key dates

Applications open 27 November 2023
Applications close 6pm AEDT 28 January 2024
Successful applicants notified March-April 2024
Projects to commence by May 2024

Further information

For any questions about the Screen-Related Addiction Research Fund, please contact

Useful Links


  • DoE

Business Unit:

  • Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation
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