Curriculum implementation discussion guide
This guide was originally published 24 May 2023.

This discussion guide supports K-12 school leaders and teachers to unpack CESE’s curriculum implementation case studies and reflect on strategies relevant to their school context.
When and how to use
You can use this guide flexibly in your school to promote and inform professional conversations about curriculum implementation. We suggest school leadership teams engage collaboratively with it before using it to facilitate stage, faculty, or whole-school discussions. Individual teachers may also use it to support their reflective practice. The appropriate time to use this guide may differ for each school, leader and teacher.
This guide complements the department’s curriculum implementation resources. Before using it, we suggest school leaders and teachers first familiarise themselves with the phases of curriculum implementation and the K-12 research toolkits. This will help you make connections between:
- the activities of the engage, enact, and embed phases of curriculum implementation
- the evidence base underpinning effective curriculum implementation, and
- the strategies identified in the case studies.
Discussion activity
Allocate 1-2 case studies to pairs or small groups. Have each group read the allocated case study and answer the questions below. Assign a note taker and spokesperson to report their reflections back to the whole group.
- How is the school context described in the case study similar to, or different from, your school?
- What are the main strategies covered in the case study?
- Consider how the strategies align to the activities within the phases of curriculum implementation:
a. What strategies supported the school to explore, and/or identify and plan during the engage phase?
b. What strategies supported the school to teach, assess and report, and/or evaluate during the enact phase?
c. What strategies could the school strengthen and/or scale during the embed phase?
4. Consider curriculum implementation in your school.
a. What strategies identified in question 3 could support your school with implementing new curriculum?
b. Choose one of these strategies. What could be some next steps for using this strategy in your school?