Great Teaching, Inspired Learning: Professional experience
This report was originally published 19 July 2018.

Evaluation background
Great Teaching, Inspired Learning (GTIL) is the NSW Government’s plan to improve the quality of teaching in NSW schools.
CESE conducted an evaluation of the key GTIL actions designed to improve the quality of professional experience placements for preservice teachers. The report presents the findings in relation to the implementation and early impacts of the following actions:
- Action 4.2 Closer matching of supply and demand for graduate teachers through the introduction of Professional Experience Agreements.
- Action 4.3 Establishment of specialist professional experience schools.
- Action 4.4 Professional learning for professional experience supervisors.
- Action 4.5 Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers leading professional experience activities.
Main findings
The evaluation found that there is limited awareness amongst schools of the Professional Experience Agreements implemented to facilitate the process of securing professional experience placements. The agreements have had limited impact on addressing the supply and demand of preservice teachers in areas of workforce need, due to the nature of Initial Teacher Education Provider (ITEP) student enrolments.
However, the agreements have been the catalyst for ITEPs and schools to refine their professional experience arrangements.
Hub Schools, together with their Initial Teacher Education Provider partner, have introduced a range of initiatives targeted at both preservice teachers and supervising teachers, to improve the quality of professional experience placements. Schools developed initiatives that could be sustained beyond the life of the Hub School program, and that could be shared with partner schools, with limited funding support. The Hub School program resulted in positive outcomes and preservice teachers were perceived to have a greater readiness to enter teaching.
Supervising teachers are progressively engaging in relevant professional learning on mentoring, and are reporting positive impacts on their ability to supervise preservice teachers as a result.
The low number of teachers accredited at Highly Accomplished and Lead level means that very few of these teachers are involved in professional experience activities. However, the Hub School program is supporting aspiring Highly Accomplished and Lead teachers to gain accreditation by involving them in professional experience activities.
Related reports
Other GTIL reports include the