Custom data requests
For school and corporate staff
Department staff, or non-government school staff (for accessing data such as NAPLAN and VALID) may be eligible for access to Scout. Your Scout access will be specific to your role. As Scout data is not public, you must obtain approval from the data owner if you want to publish the data externally to the department. Please contact Data services if this situation arises.
For members of the media
Irrespective of the type of request, all members of the media should contact the media unit, 02 7814 1559 or The media unit will coordinate your complete request. You do not need to contact data services separately.
For researchers
The NSW Department of Education welcomes applications for research that are of high quality and of value to public education, or, to education more generally. Applications to conduct research in government schools are made under the State Education Research Applications Process (SERAP).
For members of the general public
To request custom data, complete the data request form.
Access the collection notice for data request form submissions.