The use of clear learning intentions in lesson design that describe what is to be done with what content, supported by explicit success criteria that students understand…is made even more effective when students can explain and demonstrate that they have met the success criteria. ” — Principal Rooty Hill High School (What works best in practice CESE:2020)
- Discussion and agreement on success criteria is an integral step in effective assessment practice. ‘Strong, Start, Great, Teachers’ outlines the sequential actions that may be taken by teachers when selecting and implementing assessment strategies
- Success criteria can be presented or co-constructed with students and facilitates student self and peer assessment as well as enabling quality feedback. This is one illustration of how success criteria can be used in the classroom (sourced from the Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership)
- There are a range of tools and strategies available via the Digital Learning Selector to support the use of success criteria throughout the learning process, including the use of rubrics
- Success criteria should include both content knowledge and English language structures, features and social purpose. The ESL Scales provides information about English language structures and features
- Students with a disability may require adjustments to assessment strategies identified through the collaborative curriculum planning process. Options may be provided to ensure all students can equitably demonstrate new knowledge and skills. Success criteria can be personalised for students to clearly identify what students need to do to progress to their goals. Visit NESA’s Assessment and reporting page for examples of adjustments for assessment.