Common acronyms in agricultural education.
Acronym | Full version | What is it? Why do I need it? |
RTO | Registered training organisation | An organisation providing Vocational Education and Training to students, resulting in qualifications or statements of attainment that are recognised and accepted by industry and other educational institutions throughout Australia. |
SOP | Standard operating procedures | A set of step-by-step instructions compiled by an organization to help workers carry out complex routine operations. |
VET | Vocational education and training | Range of educational opportunities for both students and teachers. |
VET PI/VPI | Vocational education and training, Primary Industries | Curriculum opportunity |
Acronym | Full version | What is it? Why do I need it? |
ABSExternal link | Australian Bureau of Statistics | Commodity statistics for Australia |
ACMFExternal link | Australian Chicken Meat Federation Inc. | Resources and information on this industry. |
AHAExternal link | Animal Health Australia | Not-for-profit public company that facilitates innovative partnerships between governments, major livestock industries and other stakeholders to protect animal health and the sustainability of Australia’s livestock industry. |
ALECExternal link | Australian Live Exporters Council | Livestock industry information. |
AFLAExternal link | Australian Lot Feeders Association | Livestock industry information. |
APVMAExternal link | Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority | Regulator of AgVet chemicals in Australia. Industry information. |
AWIExternal link | Australian Wool Innovation | Livestock industry information. Resources. |
BOMExternal link | Bureau of Meteorology | Weather and climate statistics |
CCAExternal link | Cattle Council Australia Inc. | Livestock industry information. Resources. |
CRCExternal link | Cooperative Research Centre | Promotes research in science in Australia, links researchers with industry partners. |
CSIROExternal link | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation | National science research agency |
DPIExternal link | Department of Primary Industries (NSW) | Division of the NSW Government, is responsible for the administration and development for agriculture, fisheries, aquaculture, forestry, and biosecurity in NSW. Teaching resources. |
EPAExternal link | Environmental Protection Authority (NSW) | Primary environmental regulator for NSW. |
FAOExternal link | Food and Agriculture Organisation | Specialised agency of the United Nations |
FSANZExternal link | Food Standards Australia New Zealand | Independent statutory agency that develops food safety standards for Australia and New Zealand. |
LALCExternal link | Local Aboriginal Land Council | Support with curriculum information or guest speakers relative to the local area. |
LLSExternal link | Local Lands Services | Local agricultural advice and PIC numbers. |
MLAExternal link | Meat and Livestock Australia | Overseeing organisation for NLIS and NVDs |
MSAExternal link | Meat Standards Australia | Grading system developed to improve the supply of consistently high quality meat to the beef consumer. |
RASExternal link | Royal Agricultural Society | A not-for-profit organisation committed to supporting agricultural development and rural communities in Australia. Resources and teacher development. |
Acronym | Full version | What is it? Why do I need it? |
NLISExternal link | National Livestock Identification Scheme | Livestock transfers (legal obligation) |
NVDExternal link | National Vendor Declaration | Livestock transfers (legal obligation) |
eNVDExternal link | Electronic National Vendor Declaration | Livestock transfers (legal obligation) |
LPAExternal link | Livestock Production Assurance | Part of MLA, responsible for NLIS and NVD’s |
PICExternal link | Property Identification Code | Unique 8 character number assigned by LLS. Any property with livestock must have this code. |
FRID/EID | Radio frequency identification/ electronic identification | Used in NLIS traceable tags for livestock. |
CVDExternal link | Commodity Vendor Declaration | A declaration from the vendor that feed purchased is safe from chemical contamination. Should accompany feed purchases and kept in filing system. |
Acronym | Full version | What is it? Why do I need it? |
ASBVExternal link | Australian Sheep Breeding Values | Units of measurement that state the difference between an individual sheep’s genetic potential and the genetic base from which the animal is compared. |
AI | Artificial Insemination | Reproductive technique. |
EADExternal link | Emergency Animal Disease | A notifiable disease that does not normally occur in Australia. |
EADRPExternal link | Emergency Animal Disease Response Plan | An action plan to notify the authorities of an EAD and minimise risk of spreading the disease. |
EBV | Estimated Breeding Values | Units of measurement that state the difference between an individual animal's genetic potential and the genetic base from which the animal is compared. |
ET | Embryo Transfer | Reproductive technique. |
EUExternal link | European Union | European political and economic union with regulations that affect exporting and importing of goods. |
RAM | Restricted Animal Material | Any material taken from a vertebrate animal other than tallow, gelatin, milk products or oils. |
RFB | Ruminant Feed Ban | The ban of feeding RAM feeds to ruminant animals to prevent diseases. |
WHP | Withholding period | The minimum period which must elapse between the last administration or application of a pesticide or veterinary medicine and the slaughter, collection, harvesting or use of the animal or crop commodity for human consumption. |
Acronym | Full version | What is it? Why do I need it? |
cwe | Carcase weight equivalent | Seen on carcase feedback sheets when an animal is sent to abattoir. |
cwt | Carcase weight | Seen on carcase feedback sheets when an animal is sent to abattoir. |
kg | kilogram | Seen on carcase feedback sheets when an animal is sent to abattoir. |
lwt | liveweight | Seen on carcase feedback sheets when an animal is sent to abattoir. |
OTH | Over the hook | Seen on carcase feedback sheets when an animal is sent to abattoir. |
rwt | Retail weight | Seen on carcase feedback sheets when an animal is sent to abattoir. |
swt | Shipped weight | Seen on carcase feedback sheets when an animal is sent to abattoir. |
APF | Approved processing facility | Seen on carcase feedback sheets when an animal is sent to abattoir. |
Acronym | Full version | What is it? Why do I need it? |
BSE | Bovine spongiform encephalopathy | Livestock disease |
FMD | Foot-and-mouth disease | Livestock disease |
BJD | Bovine Johne’s disease | Livestock disease |
Acronym | Full version | What is it? Why do I need it? |
R&D | Research and development | Activities companies undertake to innovate and introduce new products and services. |
R&I | Research and innovation | Activities companies undertake to innovate and introduce new products and services. |
QA | Quality assurance | Systematic process of determining whether a product or service meets specified requirements. |